Les enchères | auction time

a woman holding up a book in front of her face and smiling at the camera
Ludivine Griveau, régisseur avec le catalogue des enchères 2020
a wooden barrel sitting on top of a table
Pièce de Charité Hospices de Beaune 2020, Clos de La Roche
a man sitting at a table writing on a piece of paper next to a glass of wine
Dégustation avant les enchères
a man sitting at a table writing on a piece of paper next to a glass of wine
Dégustation avant les enchères
a yellow sign hanging from the side of a building next to people looking out windows
Auction 2013
a woman holding a glass of red wine
Ludivine Griveau, régisseur du Domaine des Hospices | winemaker
Depuis 2005, Ludivine Griveau est le régisseur du Domaine des Hospices de Beaune. Since 2005, Hospices de Beaune winemaker is Ludivine Griveau
a large room filled with people sitting and standing in front of a podium on top of a red carpet
La salle des enchères | auction room
a book and some wine corks on a table with the words mercii
Acheteur n°1 buyer
Depuis 20 ans, Albert Bichot est l'acheteur n°1 des Hospices de Beaune, avec en moyenne 15 à 20 du total des enchères. Albert Bichot is the #1 buyer at the Hospices de Beaune auction for the last 20 years.
Nun Dress, Academic Dress
With a friend during the auction
a group of people sitting next to each other in a room full of people looking at papers
Albéric Bichot during the auction
a person holding a lit candle in their hand with other people behind them looking on
a bunch of wine corks stacked on top of each other with the words des hopieces de beaune
Catalogue des enchères 2010
a person holding up a purple sign in front of a room filled with people and red drapes
We were there !
Suit Jacket
Albéric Bichot durant les enchères